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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Beach 19

Photo by Hollie Go-Lightly

Dear Bitches,

Right. So Yours Truly in all her ultra fabulousness paid Beach 19 a visit. What? !! Listen, sweet-tarts, even this diva is not above a bit of cheek. And anyway, what’s a naughty girl to do in Lisbon. There’s only so much tiles a bitch can see.

So, anyway, this bitch and her escort… What? !! Yes, I hired a local gay personal tour guide. And let me tell you, it’s ferries, trains, and busses to get to Beach 19, not to mention a fair bit of walking in the sand, and since you all can’t use a map to find your way out of a shopping bag, your diva selves must simply use the service of a guide, either by hire, or by Gay Romeo! If your lesbian selves insist on going there on your own, see the link below.

So as I was saying, moi and her accessory tour guide ventured into Beach 19. The car park is by Beach 17 and I had to catwalk it all the way to 19 to find me some hunky uns. The old queens whose joints can’t handle the jaunt are trolling pretty much as soon as one gets out of the car park. One can walk on the beach and enjoy the foam under their toes, or, like me, zigzag their way between the railroad track and the bushes to see some … you know what. Without having to go very far into the bushes, I saw men having sex. Oh my eyes! It really wasn’t pleasant. From then on, I kept to the railroad.

I got there on a hot August Thursday and there were quite a few men about. Some good looking and some were delightfully naked. Some, you want to throw a giant towel to cover themselves with. Plenty of lesbians! Naked, tits hanging out, lesbians! Other than that, it was pleasant enough. The sound of the sea mixed in with the sound of frolics and cheers. That’s the beach part. Behind me were the bushes where men walked about, necks stuck upward like cranes. Some were gorgeous, but even that couldn’t mask an air of sadness and despair. How desperate and lonely it looks, craning a neck out for some meat. So I stayed where I was, by the sea, with the frolic-makers, the disc-throwers, the dog-walkers, the sun-bakers, and finally finished the first chapter of At Swim, Two Boys.

Till next time, air kisses,

Hollie Go-Lightly

Here are some links for when you want to go there:
Lisbon Gay Tours
Instructions on how to go to Beach 19


  1. You had a personal guide and you posted a photo of the beach without him (naked) in it? Where's your head, girl?

    1. Well I`m Joe and thank you for all nice commentaries that nice persons done of me.
      If you wish to go to beach 19 ? please send me an email.
      … Thank you for the 33 years old that give me
      Big Kiss to All
      Joe - Portugal

  2. [palm up to cover open mouth]. I'm a decent girl, I am!

  3. Well, the least you can do is rate his "performance".

  4. Well, let's just say he's a nice accessory. No girl here will mind being seen in public with it. I mean him. His name is Joe. He's 40. Looks 33. Funny. Can carry a conversation. Not boring. Cheeky. Seems to me he's not above a bit of naughtiness himself. :-)
